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Zelenkova O.A.




the article raises the problem of school bullying. The paper analyzes the causes, motives and types of bullying. The stages of prevention are given. The materials of the article will be useful for social educators, psychologists, teachers   

Ключевые слова:
bullying, school, prevention, violence, aggression   

УДК 316.6

Zelenkova O.A.


Belgorod State National Research University

(Belgorod, Russia)




Abstract: the article raises the problem of school bullying. The paper analyzes the causes, motives and types of bullying. The stages of prevention are given. The materials of the article will be useful for social educators, psychologists, teachers.


Keywords: bullying, school, prevention, violence, aggression.


Violence is increasingly flowing into various spheres of life. For example, cases of violence at school have become more frequent recently. Photo and video material with the abuse of minors over minors is horrifying.

Bullying refers to bullying, aggression, physical and mental violence. The following types of harassment can be distinguished:

Verbal violence – insults, shouting.

Violence in writing – text messages.

Psychological violence – threats, gossip.

Material violence – theft, damage to things.

Sexual violence – humiliating, inappropriate utterance or behavior [2].

Bullying is increasingly moving to the Internet because social networks are popular these days. Everyone can come up with a new name and write to any person whatever he wants. Teenagers use this opportunity to insult people because they know that they will not be punished for their words and actions. Cyberbullying - harassment aimed at humiliating victims (anonymous threats, edited photos) is carried out using the Internet and mobile phones. This is the most dangerous and the youngest kind of bullying, because there is no reliable way to protect yourself from it. Acts of such violence traumatize not only the victim, but also the witnesses of the incident.

There are various reasons for bullying, they can be divided into several groups:

Pedagogical – the microclimate of the classroom, the school, the position of the teacher. A child is more likely to be bullied if the teacher allows other students to be bullied and humiliated.

Psychological – the identity of the aggressors and victims.

Social - encouraging dominant and aggressive behavior in society, on television, on the Internet and in computer games.

Family–related - lack of parental love and attention, various manifestations of aggression on the part of parents, excessive control.

Также можно выделить мотивы:



Self-affirmation in the team.

The desire to be the center of attention.

The desire to counteract an opponent trying to humiliate [3].

Many children do not seek help from adults, they are left alone with their problems. Abused children may experience physical trauma, sexually transmitted infections, depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and suicidal thoughts. They may also begin to exhibit risky, aggressive, and antisocial behavior.

To overcome this situation, a systematic approach is important, involving various specialists such as a social pedagogue, psychologist, doctor, social worker, parents, teachers, etc.

It is important to focus your work on the prevention of violence at school. It includes the following stages:

Familiarization and diagnostic, which involves studying the situation of bullying in the classroom, identifying students who have been bullied. Information about bullying and its consequences is provided.

The formative is aimed at working with potential victims and potential bullers. Children develop the ability of conflict-free interaction.

Activity-based is aimed at increasing the social activity of students and the inclusion of potential or real initiators of bullying in volunteer activities.

The final one is aimed at analyzing changes. Repeated diagnostics of students is carried out.

Reflexive involves the implementation of socio-pedagogical support of schoolchildren who have been bullied, evaluation of the effectiveness of preventive measures carried out after a certain period of time [1].

UNICEF works with Governments, schools, teachers, families, children and youth to prevent and respond to violence in schools. They offer:

Adopt laws prohibiting corporal punishment and other forms of violence.

Develop codes of conduct and other protective measures in schools.

Create confidential and secure reporting mechanisms in schools.

Create a referral mechanism for response services, as well as monitor and collect data on violence in schools.

To train teachers and school staff in positive discipline, classroom management and peaceful conflict resolution.

Develop and implement life skills and social and emotional learning programs to increase the resilience and protective potential of children and youth.

Research, monitor and collect data on violence in schools [4].

Due to the fact that there are different types of bullying that are not given attention in modern schools, it is important to create mechanisms for the prevention and prevention of this phenomenon.




  1. Begidova S. N. Shkol′nyy bulling i yego profilaktika // Vestnik Adygeyskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2022. №2. С. 13-23.
  2. Volikova S. V. Simptomy depressii i trevogi u podrostkov - zhertv shkol′nogo bullinga // XVI S′′yezd psikhiatrov Rossii. Kazan′: OOO «Al′ta Astra», 2015. S. 180
  3. Bullying at schools: prevention and methods of combating [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://findmykids.org/blog/en/bullying-at-school (дата обращения: 29.04.23).
  4. Protecting children from violence in school [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://www.unicef.org/protection/violence-against-children-in-school (дата обращения: 29.04.23).

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №4 (61) том 5


Ссылка для цитирования:

Zelenkova O.A. BULLYING IN THE MODERN SCHOOL AND WAYS TO SOLVE IT // Вестник науки №4 (61) том 5. С. 335 - 338. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/7956 (дата обращения: 02.06.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/7956

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